Page 30 - Real Rochdale Issue 10 Summer 2021
P. 30
Keith Hicks retires after 33 years of service at RAFC Carpet Creations celebrates
25 years in business
The Rochdale AFC Community Trust manager officially
retired from his role in March 2021.
Keith himself played for The first session took place
Rochdale AFC between at High Birch School with just
1985 and 1987, noting that two bags of footballs, and
his career highlight was bibs and markers, a long way
playing at Old Trafford from the current set-up that
against Manchester United Keith has grown it into today.
in the FA Cup in 1986.
The trust now engages with
After being forced to retire hundreds of people every
through injury, Keith was at year delivering their four On his retirement, Keith was
the heart of Rochdale AFC’s main themes – education, presented with a one-off
Community Trust from the health, social inclusion, and gift a custom-designed
very beginning; returning to sports participation - as well keepsake, made from one of
the local club to join the trust as continuing their long the bricks taken from the old
in its infancy, just a month association with local 5-a-side pitch at Spotland’s
after it officially began primary schools. Crown Oil Arena when it
operating in October 1987. was demolished.
After being made redundant and experienced former “For any small business in any
from Lanebottom Co-op in colleagues, many of whom walk of life, 25 years is a
Ogden after 16 years of Phil had worked with at massive achievement,”
Bid for local digital radio signal employment, Philip Holt Lanebottom Co-op. continued Phil.
started Carpet Creations in
1996, aged 31. He said: “I would just like “I’m at a level now where I
Credible Focus is bidding to provide to acknowledge and thank feel Carpet Creations has
Rochdale with a new, crystal-clear radio Now based at 12-16 Dale everyone who has helped me achieved all its goals. I’ve
signal to ensure small radio stations can Street in Milnrow, the carpet over the 25 years. always had plans to run just
continue broadcasting. and bed centre celebrated one shop – I’m a firm believer
two and a half decades in “I started in a rented shop in not spreading yourself too
business on Monday 31 May, with my £2,000 redundancy thinly on the ground as your
The company – driven by the team at Credible
Media, former owners of Revolution 96.2, along as well as a staggering money and took no wages customer service will start
with Infocus Digital Media – has applied to operate £1million+ turnover. for the first six months. Now, to suffer.
a DAB multiplex in Rochdale and Oldham. we have a turnover of over
Initially purchasing the £1millon per year.” “We pay so much attention to
value access to digital broadcasting and a variety
Digital audio broadcasting (DAB) combines of services on DAB.” vacant space next door to detail, employ quality
multiple audio streams onto a very narrow signal, Lanebottom, Phil’s first With customers far and wide, fitters, quality staff, and
meaning an increase in choice for the listener. He added: “We genuinely believe that an alliance carpet shop expanded as the including A-listers Sir Alex supply quality products, and
of local broadcasters and businesses is best place business grew, before Ferguson and former I truly believe the more you
Directors and investors in the company include to deliver those goals.” buying larger premises – Manchester United player put in, the more you get out.”
community stations Crescent Radio, Rochdale; where it remains – in 2008 Paul Scholes, the business has
Oldham Community Radio; and North Faheem Chishti, of Crescent Community Radio,
Manchester FM. said: “Ensuring an affordable move to digital and expanding into flooring supplied local authorities, Mr Holt’s son has recently
housing associations
and beds.
begun working at Carpet
broadcasting is essential to our future strategy. including RBH, and a host of Creations as an apprentice,
Kevin Bailey, Content Director at Credible I’m confident that Credible Focus will deliver a
Media, said: “We’re delighted to be applying to run compelling and detailed bid to help secure digital The business grew quickly; doctors and dentist practices and Phil hopes he will one day
a multiplex in our local area. We know that Ofcom radio for Rochdale and beyond.” extra pairs of hands were throughout the borough, take over the family business.
called in from lifelong friends among others.