Page 21 - Real Rochdale Issue 10 Summer 2021
P. 21

 HIGHLIGHTS OF A MAYORAL YEAR                                 One of my very first events as mayor was joining

                                                              the Friends of Tourcoing on their biannual trip to
                                                              France. This was followed by a trip to Bielefeld,
 Councillor Billy Sheerin                                     Germany with the Friends of Bielefeld group.
 was sworn in as the
 Mayor of Rochdale in                                         Both Tourcoing and Bielefeld are twin towns of
 May 2019 and ended                                           Rochdale and have been linked for many years,
 up serving as mayor for                                      I believe to establish healing and bonding after
 two years due to the                                         the wars. The friends’ groups do a sterling job in
                                                              keeping the twinning momentum going.
 Covid-19 pandemic.

                                                              In France, I met with Jean Marie Vuylsteker, the
 Here, he reflects on                                         Maire de Tourcoing, and observed the voting in
 some of his highlights.                                      the European Parliament election, the count, and
                                                              the way the French conduct elections.

                                                              In Bielefeld, I stayed with two wonderful hosts,
                                                              retired lecturer, Dr Manfred Froehich and his
                  Mayor Billy Sheerin and Mayoress Lynn Sheerin  wife, Mechthild, and I was looked after very well.

                                                              I had a tour of the city and learnt the history of
                   MAYOR’S CAROL SERVICE
                                                              Bielefeld. We also visited the city of Soest and
                                                              Möhnesee, a famous reservoir and dam in North
         Another big event which gave me a great deal of
         satisfaction was the annual Mayor’s Civic Carol      Germany, for a cruise.
         Service in December 2019, which I chose to hold
 Mayor Billy Sheerin holding the skull of Dippy               I made a civic visit to the bürgermeister (mayor)
         at St John the Baptist RC Church.
                                                              at Belefield Rathaus (town hall) and met Fräulein
                                                              Karin Shrader – the first Mayor of Bielefield –
 The mayoral role is a very important part   The most enjoyable part of being the mayor was   In the presence of the Bishop of Salford John   before finishing on a relaxing note in the spa
 of the council; it’s a position of authority,   meeting up with the other nine mayors of    Arnold, the multi-faith service included a    town of Bad Salzuflen.
 but also a position of privilege and honour,   Greater Manchester and meeting Mark    selection of popular carols. Guest readers also
 which must be handled carefully with    Adlestone, Greater Manchester’s High Sheriff   spoke about what Christmas means to their    It is so important to keep Rochdale’s twin links
 humility and understanding.  for 2019/2020, who joined us on most of our   different faiths, including Mirazam Neeli (Imam   with our European neighbours. I encourage the
 events. We built a sort of comradery amongst   of Masjid Mosque) on Islam and Mark Adlestone   young people of Rochdale to get involved to
 I’ve had 10 months as a mayor and 14   ourselves, which I will always cherish.  (High Sheriff of Greater Manchester) on    allow the link to carry on for many years to come.
 months as a symbolic mayor, during which   Judaism.          There are great opportunities to experience
 time I chaired various virtual meetings,   I had the pleasure of inviting my fellow mayors   these places through the eyes of the locals.
 and there were very few civic events I   to visit Dippy at Number One Riverside when he   It was a very special event for me, learning all the
 could physically attend, all due to the   arrived. They were all amazed at the sight of a   different outlooks.
 pandemic. However, what I shall not suffer   dinosaur in an ultra-modern building.  The funds raised by the Mayors Charity
 from is standing down as, sadly, it feels as                   Appeal for 2019 - 2020 were split between
 though I stood down those 14 months ago.  I remember clearly when Dippy arrived in    Springhill Hospice, Rochdale Connections
 Rochdale; it was a great day which filled the                  Trust, Rochdale Shopmobility, Parkinson’s,
 I have enjoyed the privilege of being ‘Mr   town with excitement as everyone wished the   Leukaemia UK, Hydro Pool, M6 Theatre, and
 Mayor’ – it allowed me to meet many    dinosaur a warm welcome to the borough and   Rochdale MS Society, with each receiving an
 amazing people who do so much good   offered the hope of tons of visitors to our town.  amount between £1,500 and £2,500.
 work for the benefit of the people of the
 borough.  The initial impact of Dippy was terrific for not     This is only possible thanks to the dedication
 only Rochdale, but the whole North West.                       and hard work of the members of the
 I sincerely thank all of you that contribute   I was very sad to see him dismantled and sent   Mayor’s charity committee.
 to make our town a better place to live.  back to London.
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