Page 14 - Real Rochdale Issue 21 Spring 2024
P. 14

You can also be referred through your local
                                                               doctors’ surgery, school, social services,                                                                HOPWOOD HALL COLLEGE
                                                               dentist, council offices and councillors.

                                                               Marilyn continued: “Whatever food we are                                                             OPEN EVENT
                                                               given goes to whichever venue is open, then
                                                               anything left over is taken to the other. If
                                                               there’s still anything remaining then, we donate
                                                               it to hostels. Most supermarkets in Rochdale                                                                                Thursday 18  April
                                                               give us donations and nothing goes in the bin.
                                                                                                                                                                                               4.30pm - 6.30pm
                                                               “If anything is too far gone for human
                                                               consumption, it goes to a man in Bacup for his
                                                                                                                                                                 Let’s get your future started!
                                                                                                                                          Hopwood Hall College   L  e t’s ge       t y   our fu       tur    e s   t art    ed!
                                                                                                                                                                     Hopwood Hall College
                                                                                                                                           & University Centre        & University Centre
                                                               In 2022, the Soup Kitchen Rochdale’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ORE OUR MIDDLETON AND
          where Marilyn, Vida and Steve Gough realised         volunteers were recognised by the Queen’s                                                                                                 EXPLORE OUR MIDDLETON AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ROCHDALE CAMPUSES
          - due to redundancies and furlough - there was       Award for Voluntary Service, and Marilyn says                                                                                                    ROCHDALE CAMPUSES
          going to be a need for a foodsharing facility in     their zero-waste approach “struck the
          Whitworth.                                           assessor.”                                                                              Hopwood Hall College  2023             Register at
                                                                                                                                                        & University Centre
          Based at 551-552 Market Street, The                  “We pride ourselves on nothing going in the
          Lighthouse runs on an appointment basis on           bin. We have a magic army of volunteers who                      Hopwood Hall College and University Centre           thriving University Centre.
          Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with Steve         pick up donations from the supermarkets and                      is holding its first ‘Access All Areas’ Open Event
          as front of house. The service operates out          they don’t ask for any expenses.                                 since being awarded the prestigious Queen’s          Furthermore, those aged 19+ can look forward
          of the old methodist church premises, and is                                                                          Anniversary Prize.                                   to exploring a wide range of part-time options
          run in partnership with Thrum Hall Methodist         “We are always looking for more volunteers for                                                                        – such as in-person pathways, flexible learning
          Church.                                              both ventures. We need drivers and                               Hot on the heels of having the highest honour        and short online courses.
                                                               volunteers for bag packing and service at the                    in further education bestowed upon them, the
          If you think you would benefit from the              Soup Kitchen, as well as people to help out at                   college will be throwing open its doors from         Then, of course, there are the ever-popular
          Whitworth Lighthouse Community Foodshare,            the Lighthouse.”                                                 4:30pm – 6.30pm on Thursday 18 April 2024.           apprenticeship training routes that can be
          you can refer yourself by calling 07922 951096                                                                        This will give people of all ages the amazing        undertaken by anyone aged 16+ and allow
          or email                                                                               opportunity to experience some of the many           people to earn as they learn.
                                                                  Interested in becoming a volunteer at
                                                                  the Soup Kitchen or Lighthouse?                               reasons why the college picked up such a
                                                                                                                                coveted accolade.                                    The ‘Access All Areas’ Open Event takes place
                                                                                                                                                                                     at the college’s campuses in Middleton and
                                                                  The Soup Kitchen at Champness Hall,
                                                                  Great George Street, Rochdale OL16                            Those in attendance can look forward to              Rochdale.
                                                                  1PQ is a drop-in service and is open every                    seeing state of the art facilities, as well as
                                                                  Monday, Wednesday and Friday from                             talking to the expert tutors who are skilled at      In recent years these campuses have
                                                                  12.30pm to 2pm.                                               bringing out the best in every student.              undergone multi-million-pound investments to
                                                                                                                                                                                     ensure they continue to have industry-leading
                                                                                                                                Visitors will be able to explore the full range      facilities.
                                                                  The Whitworth Lighthouse Community
                                                                  Foodshare at 551-553 Market Street,                           of courses on offer, which, for school leavers,
                                                                  Whitworth, OL12 8QW is open every                             includes the game-changing new T-Levels, and         Just some of the cutting edge teaching spaces
                                                                  Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 4pm,                        other vocational study options.                      visitors can explore include the
                                                                  and every Saturday between 10am and                                                                                newly-extended Advanced Technology and
                                                                  3pm.                                                          In addition, there is plenty in store for adult      Construction Centre, the high-tech media
                                                                                                                                learners who are looking to gain new skills and      editing suites and the contemporary Riverside
                                                                                                                                boost their career prospects.                        Salon.
                                                                  If you want to get involved as a volunteer
                                                                  at either organisation, you can contact
                                                                  Marilyn on 07817 150327.                                      This includes Access and Higher Education            To register your attendance for this hotly-
                                                                                                                                 courses, all of which are taught at Hopwood’s       anticipated event, please visit

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