Page 12 - Real Rochdale Issue 21 Spring 2024
P. 12
10 Years of Rochdale
Soup Kitchen
It was a cold December night in 2013, when Marilyn said. “We knew there was a need, but
two women armed with a pan of soup began a we didn’t think it would still be going.”
venture that would go on to help hundreds of
less fortunate people each week. In the early days, the Soup Kitchen ran every
Tuesday night for three months. The two
Dishing up pea and ham soup from the boot of women knew there was an alternative Champness Hall in the former High Level table at the front and a Perspex screen and
a car on Rochdale Town Hall car park, Marilyn provision on a Monday night, and so opted building. handed out bags at the door.”
Jones and Vida Slater didn’t dream just how to provide a second hot meal for Rochdale’s
big their venture would grow in the space of a hungry people in need. Before long, demand “It seemed to be exactly what was needed: It’s a model which has survived post-lockdown
decade. was such that they began to provide meals on seven rooms on three floors. What we wanted for the Soup Kitchen – a result of the number of
Wednesdays, before adding Fridays and then to do was offer doctors and nurses space people attending on a drop-in basis, with over
“We thought all the world would eat pea and Saturday lunchtimes, providing a two-course when it was open so people could seek medical 100 bags of food being given out each time it
ham soup,” Marilyn said. “That first night we cooked meal from a local hostel. advice, have their bandages changed, etc. We opens its doors.
had two visitors, and one of them was a wanted to include a shower, a washer and dryer
vegetarian. We’ve made vegetable-based soups After three years, they were offered space at and a computer room so people could apply for “We can’t reopen the dining room because we
ever since.” the Parish Church of St Chad, a stone’s throw jobs and benefits: that was the dream,” Marilyn have too many people. It has a maximum
away from the town hall car park, providing explained. capacity of about 50 but we are thinking of
That night – the date long forgotten – was the shelter from the elements. ways to reopen this,” Marilyn explained.
birth of the Soup Kitchen Rochdale, a service The venue was slowly renovated and “all was
which has grown from Vida and Marilyn Marilyn continued: “We were out in the wind, doing well” with the Soup Kitchen Rochdale The Soup Kitchen also changed its hours,
serving soup on a car park one night a week to the rain, the snow, the sun, whatever weather open each evening from Tuesday-Friday from instead opening in the middle of the day every
now having an army of committed volunteers was being thrown at us. The vicar of St Chad’s 6pm to 7pm, as well as Saturday lunchtime. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, giving out
helping run the organisation from its own came to see what we were doing and asked one of two bags. One bag, earmarked for rough
premises three days a week. if we fancied using the church as a shelter, so Marilyn added: “We had a proper dining room sleepers and homeless people, typically
people could come inside and eat.” with a good kitchen. We were feeding an features items that require no preparation,
“It was two weeks before Christmas, but we average of 50 people per night with hot pasties, whilst other bags for people struggling who are
didn’t make a mental note of the date – we The Soup Kitchen remained at St Chad’s for a sandwiches, cake, soup, and whatever else we not homeless, will typically feature a hot meal
didn’t realise we’d still be here 10 years later,” year before finding premises behind could find.” which they can microwave. Other items can
include sandwiches, hot pasties, bread, cake,
She sighed: “Then Covid happened. biscuits – although there is some scope for
fresh produce.
“We started working with other agencies like
the Sanctuary Trust to get parcels of food “If possible, we give people another bag with
delivered in lockdown. At the height of it, we fresh fruit and vegetables, yoghurts,
were sending 230 bags three times a week. whatever the supermarkets donate to us,”
Each bag had enough supplies to last a couple Marilyn explained, before adding how
of days such as bread donated from the donations are shared with their other
supermarkets and a microwaveable meal. non-profit operation, the foodbank-esque
Whitworth Lighthouse Community Foodshare.
“After the first lockdown, we opened again but
couldn’t reopen the dining room [due to The Lighthouse was set up in September 2020,
guidelines at the time]. We reopened with a an idea which stemmed from the first lockdown