Page 14 - Real Rochdale Issue 23 August 2024
P. 14

Ogden family takes majority control of

                     Rochdale AFC after £2m investment

          The Ogden family has become
          the majority shareholders of
          Rochdale Football Club
          following a £2 million

          The family, with deep roots in
          Rochdale, aims to guide the
          club back to the English
          Football League (EFL) within
          three years.

          The takeover was completed
          in May, after the family was
          confirmed as the preferred
          investors in late March.
                                               New board members Adam Saul and Jamie Willoughby (far left and far right) with
          Their investment totals £2                        co-chairmen Cameron Ogden and Simon Gauge
          million, and they acquired
          nearly 6.9 million                 behind this significant            director Richard Knight have
          newly-issued Class A ordinary      investment.                        converted their outstanding
          shares, equating to roughly                                           loans to the club into shares.
          68% ownership.                     Their charitable organisation,     Mr Gauge now owns 21%, Mr
                                             the Ogden Trust, which             Knight 2%, and the Dale
          In a move to protect the club’s    focuses on supporting the          Supporters Trust holds 1.6%.
          heritage, the Ogden family has     teaching and learning of
          committed to holding these         physics among under-               The remaining shares are
          shares for the sole benefit of     represented groups, has been       owned by past directors and
          the Rochdale AFC Community         actively involved in initiatives   supporters. Peter Ogden’s
          Trust.                             within Rochdale schools.           children, Cameron, Edward,
                                                                                and Tiffany, each hold a 23%
          Additionally, following the        At a meeting following the         stake in the club.
          recommendations of the Fan         takeover, Cameron Ogden,
          Led Review, they will              the new co-chairman of             The key aspirations of the new
          introduce a “golden share” to      Rochdale AFC’s board of            board include:
          be held by the Dale                directors, expressed his
          Supporters Trust.                  honour and privilege at being      •  To make the club
                                             part of the club.                     sustainable within five
          This golden share will require                                           years, with or without
          the Trust’s consent before any     Also joining the board of             sporting success.
          changes can be made to the         directors are Adam Saul and        •  To achieve promotion to
          club’s name, colours, badge, or    Jamie Willoughby who both             the EFL within three years.
          the sale of its ground.            work for the Ogden family          •  To significantly increase the
                                             business.                             social value the club brings
          Sir Peter Ogden and Lady                                                 to the local community, via
          Catherine Ogden, both              Alongside the Ogden family,           the club and Community
          originally from Rochdale, are      co-chairman Simon Gauge and           Trust.

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