Page 13 - Real Rochdale Issue 23 August 2024
P. 13

Rochdale “hero” completes gruelling 232-

 Altus Education Partnership’s mission is to
 advance education across the Borough of   mile ultra-marathon for Jolly Josh charity
 Rochdale, enabling children and young people
 to live happy, fulfilling lives and make a positive
 contribution to their community.
 BRINGING EDUC AT ION T OGETHE R  We have a unique and pioneering offer for   A brave Rochdale resident has conquered
 Rochdale Schools via Childrens University and   the gruelling 2024 Race Across Scotland, a
 REACH.    220-mile coast-to-coast ultra-marathon, to
           raise funds for local charity Jolly Josh.
 Children’s University (CU) – a fun programme
 for Primary aged children where they can   Finn Newall, who undertook the incredible
 record their involvement in extra-curricular
 activities, building up hours in their ‘Passport’ and   challenge, pushed through the Scottish
 graduating at the end of the year.  landscape for 72 hours and 19 minutes,
           covering 232 miles in total with
 REACH - a centralised online hub bringing
 together a local enrichment offer for secondary   checkpoints.
 aged young people (11+), showcasing activities,
 programmes and clubs available.  His journey saw him burning nearly 29,000
           calories, taking over 443,000 steps, and
 Are you a Provider who wants to get involved with   surviving on just 4.5 hours of sleep.
 CU and/or REACH, showcasing your offer?
 Are you a parent/carer who wants to know more
 about how your child/ren can be involved?  At the time of writing Finn had raised over
 If the answer is yes , contact us at:  £4,000 for Jolly Josh.
 CU –
 REACH –  Liz, a representative from Jolly Josh,
           expressed her admiration for Finn’s
           extraordinary achievement, saying: “We
           were overwhelmed before the race when
 Rochdale Pioneers Museum – celebrating   Finn approached us to tell us of his
 180 years of co-op in 2024  unbelievable challenge.”          The funds raised by Finn’s heroic effort will
                                                               play a crucial role in sustaining the services
           Throughout the event, Liz and the Jolly Josh        Jolly Josh provides, which are offered free
 The Rochdale Pioneer Museum on Toad Lane is housed in the first   team followed Finn’s progress via a live   of charge to families in need. The charity
 successful consumer co-op shop opened in 1844, 180 years ago   tracking system, marvelling at the physical   relies on fundraising efforts like Finn’s to
 this year!  and mental endurance required. “We sent           continue its vital work in the community.
           him personalised videos from our families
 We tell the story of the co-op movement through our displays,   to share our support along his journey,” she   As Finn now takes time to rest, recover, and
 exhibitions, films and events.   added, proudly dubbing him their “Jolly Josh   reflect on his achievement, the impact of his

           superhero.”                                         journey is already resonating throughout
 Visit us to find out more about the way co-ops formed and how
 they became part of the social and economic life of Britain.  Rochdale.
           Jolly Josh provides essential support to
           families with children who have complex             His dedication to training and
 It’s free to visit the museum and we are open Wednesday to Friday   medical needs, offering services such as   preparation for the race, which included
 and alternate Saturdays from 10.30am to 4.00pm.  hydrotherapy and youth group sessions at   several ultra-endurance events, has not only
           their fully adapted centre on Queensway in          raised much-needed funds but also shone a
 You can also book a guided tour or hire our loft space. We also offer   Rochdale.  light on the challenges faced by families
 school visits and workshops. Email: or    caring for children with complex needs.
           Since its opening in April 2022, the centre
           has become a lifeline for local families,           For more information about Jolly Josh and
 We also have archives held at Holyoake House in Manchester which
 you can view by appointment. Email:  offering a safe and inclusive environment   the services it offers, visit the website
           where children and their carers can connect
           and support one another.
 For more information, please visit:

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