Page 34 - Real Rochdale Issue 20 Winter 2023
P. 34


          Sassy Cub is a family run online retailer specialising in
          personalised clothing and gifts.

          Our mission is to use only the best materials and
          production methods to ensure that all our products are
          durable and long-lasting. All products are printed, pressed,
          and packaged in-house so we can guarantee that each is
          made to the highest quality standards.

                                                                                                                                                  Italian restaurant Stocco

                                                                                                                                                             opens in Norden

                                                                                                                                   Stocco, a new Italian restaurant, is the           local councillors and businesses, Mr Govori
                                                                                                                                   latest eatery to open in Norden, situated          said: “It went really well for a first night. I
          With many of our items, you have the option to ‘live                                                                     at the former Mezbaan on Edenfield Road.           think we’ll be very happy here and very
          preview’ your chosen product. Whether you select a print                                                                                                                    busy!”
          from our design catalogue or upload your own image and/or                                                                It’s the second venue under the Stocco
          text, we encourage you to unleash your creativity and                                                                    name, following the first successful               Norden ward councillor and Mayor of
          customise your product to exactly how you would like it.                                                                 venture in Oldham, which opened around             Rochdale, Mike Holly said: “Stocco will be
                                                                                                                                   eight years ago.                                   a great addition to Norden’s thriving retail
          Our newly released Christmas gift range features an                                                                                                                         and hospitality scene. The refurbishment is
          array of delightful options, from matching family pyjamas                                                                Owner Ben Govori said he had wanted to             stunning, the staff are knowledgeable and
          to an assortment of mugs, drinkware, Christmas Eve boxes,                                                                open an Italian restaurant in the area for         friendly and the food is fantastic.
          and an enchanting selection of box fillers and decorative                                                                some time, and really liked the venue when
          tree baubles.                                                                                                            it became available.                               “I wish them every success in their venture
                                                                                                                                                                                      and thank them for bringing more
                         Whether you’re searching for a heartwarming present for a                                                 Over 200 guests were invited to a special          investment into the village.”
                            new addition to the family or seeking a special treat for                                              three-course dinner at the soft-launch in
                          yourself or a loved one, Sassy Cub has just what you need.                                               early October before the restaurant fully          The restaurant is open seven days a week
                                                                                                                                                                                      from 12 noon, and offers both a lunch-time
                                                                                                                                                                                      menu and a full evening menu plus à la
                -                                                                  Of the launch, which was attended by               carte options.

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