Page 49 - Real Rochdale Issue 12 Winter 2021
P. 49

Beware the

 coming winter

         Formerly trading as Mike Ellor
 of discontent  & Son, this family business has   Visit our showroom or book your free home visit with

         been serving Rochdale since
         1962. Although Mike has now          our mobile carpet store.
         long since retired, his son
         Mark has kept the                    •  We’ll beat any like-for-like quote
 The icy wave of a pandemic is on its way to   long-standing traditions of his   •  Expert Floortrain-accredited fitters
 Britain as the year draws to a close.  father running, which are now   •  Free measuring and home sample service

         being passed onto the next           •  Roll stock - roll ends - carpet whipping/edging service
 You are probably thinking I am talking about   generation.
 Covid, which has been biting again since the   ABOUT THE WRITER
 autumn, or even the flu which we so often ask   Dr Chauhan OBE is a respected GP, health and social   Mark, who has over 25 years of   Mark added: “Due to our low
 care campaigner, and champion of social justice and
 you to get immunised against.  charity. As a local GP, he has become a powerful   experience under his belt, said:
 advocate for his patients and introduced innovative   overheads, we are often
 methods to improve their care. His work mentoring   “I was taught by my father and   cheaper than the high street
 But this year, mental health dominates my   and employing young people has won national   I’m happy to be passing on both   stores and offer to beat any
 thinking – and yes, I am worried about it.  recognition and he was awarded an OBE in 2020 for
 his creation of the Homeless-Friendly charity.  his and my experience to local   genuine quotation.
         Rochdale apprentices through
 High schools are using trauma techniques to   the Floortrain programme.”  “We are firm believers in ‘shop
 settle the minds of young people – which says   temptation to blame NHS staff can be tempting   local’ and in the use of local
 much about the anxieties our children have   but dealing with a crisis has also left them   Carpets Rochdale offers an   suppliers so we are proud to
 faced through a long lockdown and then a   physically and emotionally exhausted.   honest, professional service   stock the full range of Capper
 stuttered return to education.  with clear pricing and no   Sharrock and Penthouse
 With services depleted, how do we find time to   hidden extras, really going the   carpets.”
 Growing up in our fast-paced society meant   heal our minds? I have always believed mental   extra yard in supplying and
 they were already the most susceptible group to   and physical health are intrinsically linked and   fitting carpets and vinyl from   You can be assured of a quality   Free no obligation
 mental health problems before Covid.   should be treated with the same seriousness.   the same leading brands as   service from Carpets Rochdale,   measures, quotes and
 Organisations such as CAHMS are there to help,   Easing up on the alcohol (which is a depressant)   high street stores – at   a service which will continue   professional advice.
 though I am aware of an influx they are facing.   is a good start, as is examining your diet. Exercise   discounted prices.  for many years to come.
 releases positive endorphins in the brain, which
 Adults too are feeling the strain of returning to   will make your body and mind feel better. Talking
 work with the long lingering shadow of Covid.   is important, too. Organisations like The   Our brand-new
 But there are other anxieties too, not least   Samaritans are often equated with suicide   Rugs2runners
 financial pressure. Initial statistics showed   prevention, but they can be great to help you
 unemployment levels doubled during lockdown,   beat isolation and problem-solve.  showroom is now open
 and there is the flipside of this – a lack of trained   next door at unit 4
 people in posts.   Occupying the body and mind, while positive, is  with hundreds of rugs
 not always successful. Poor mental health may  to choose from in store
 This can result in increased stress at work. And   have roots in much deeper things, so moments   or online with free
 since goods and services have been affected by   of crisis mean seeing your GP is paramount. We   UK delivery.
 the skills shortage, an added nightmare before   can offer medical support to stabilise conditions
 Christmas of not being able to do everything   such as anxiety, depression and even psychosis.
 from essential household repairs to sourcing
 food and presents.  Finally, it would be remiss not to mention rough   Units  3 & 4, The Landings, 147-149 Oldham Road, Rochdale OL16 5QY
 sleepers, who suffer with the direst mental and   01706 249643   or   07824 116223
 A long wait for medical appointments is also   physical health in society. Please do your bit to
 expected. We all feel gloomy when we are ill, and   support them through charities: if you can, also
 it can breed problems such as depression. The   talk with them about the issues they face.
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