Page 42 - Real Rochdale Issue 09 Winter 2020
P. 42
Rochdale manufacturer
beats Bank of England to
green award
It was Friday 18 September when Richard
Hagan, managing director of Rochdale
manufacturer Crystal Doors, learnt that his
company had won the Energy and Carbon
Transition category at the virtual IEMA
Sustainability Impact Awards 2020.
The judges praised the way the company had
got employees, suppliers, customers, and the
local community engaged in its ambitious net
zero strategy - achieving an overall balance be-
tween emissions produced and emissions taken
out of the atmosphere.
Announcing the prestigious environmental The success proved even more remarkable
award online, the judges said: “Recruiting for the company as the seven-strong shortlist
employees who live within three miles is now a included the Bank of England.
company policy. Personal carbon footprint
assessments have been carried out by all Mr Hagan said: “Myself and staff were
employees, and directors lead by example, both watching the ceremony virtually and I had no
becoming vegetarian since last October and expectations of winning. When they suddenly
foregoing any personal or business aeroplane announced our name, I almost keeled over. It
travel. took me 24 hours to recover and it was a bit
surreal, but I think it’s great for Rochdale.”
“Having invested 50 per cent of its yearly
turnover at £1.5m over the past five years, the Crystal Doors is so committed to becoming one
innovation and commitment shown by Crystal of the first businesses in Greater
Doors has achieved admirable reductions in Manchester to be carbon neutral that it has un-
carbon emissions.” furled a 9m x 3m sign on the side of its factory
declaring: ‘We’re closing the door on carbon
emissions by 2022’.
Mr Hagan added: “Rochdale is an exemplar of
advanced manufacturing and I’m convinced this
will be the first of many environmental awards
for the borough. If a small company like Crystal
Doors can do it, then anyone can do it.
“We’re continuing our digital transformation
and will never stop trying to reduce our carbon
footprint further.”