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“Unfortunately, for me, health visitors, nurses,
         GPs, etc. were not able to connect families due to
         confidentiality policies,” said Carole, “but Jolly Josh
         would finally enable this to happen…”

         Joshua sadly died on 27 August 2017, just
         one month before his legacy, Jolly Josh, was due
         to begin.

         “My whole first year of bereavement was spent
         setting up Jolly Josh,” Carole said.

         “It was something that I needed to develop to help
         me as a coping mechanism, distraction and to
         create a legacy for Joshua, in addition to providing
         a service to myself and others that was previously
                                                                    James and Carole Kelly with Oliver and Sophie
         “Now, I am incredibly proud of what we have          Carole is now set on bigger plans for the future,
         achieved over two years.”                            including accomplishing her dream of Jolly Josh
                                                              having its own venue and building an accessible
         Jolly Josh was awarded charitable status in April    park for those with disabilities and/or complex
         2018, just seven months after opening. In May        additional needs in Rochdale.
         2018, Carole was shortlisted for a Greater
         Manchester Health and Care Champion Award and        “There are still many challenges facing disabled
         in April 2019 she was named Woman of Rochdale.       children and their siblings and families, for example,
                                                              the need for public changing places and the need
         To mark the second anniversary of the charity on     for more accessible playgrounds in parks for those
         22 September 2019, a pirate themed family fun        children that do have complex medical needs.
         day was hosted at Callaghan House, Heywood,
         raising £1,800.                                      ”We have set up Jolly Josh and I have provided this
                                                              service, but there are still so many gaps that we
         Speaking of the benefits Jolly Josh has brought to   need to work on, tackling a lot of the services that
         the borough, Carole said: “Our families provide      are missed.”
         each other with guidance; children are making
         friendships and thriving, and their siblings gain    In Jolly Josh’s first year, 63 families visited the
         support too. The children learn that we are all      sessions along with 23 professionals.
         different and that’s what makes us special.
                                                              She concluded: “These numbers speak volumes of
         “Going to clinic with a poorly child is extremely    how much this group was needed; it wasn’t just me
         difficult, even for the most confident of people, as   feeling the need to reach out – the gap was there.”
         emotions are heightened. When professionals visit
         families at Jolly Josh, they are amongst their peers;   Carole is currently on maternity leave from her job
         the children are entertained playing and the         as a teacher of children with profound and multiple
         experience is far less formal.”                      learning disabilities after Joshua’s younger brother,
                                                              Oliver was born in July 2019.

                                                              Carole hopes she can encourage Rochdale and
                                                              other boroughs to fill the gaps that she experienced
                                                              with her family.

                                                              Jolly Josh sessions currently run on Thursday
                                                              mornings, 9am – 12noon, at Springside with
                                                              Hamer School.

                Jolly Josh second anniversary family fun day    
                                                           19                     REAL ROCHDALE - WINTER 2019
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