Page 20 - Real Rochdale Issue 05 Summer 2019
P. 20
BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE by the age of 40, a woman can be totally depleted of
normal levels of estrogen, have lost almost all of
REPLACEMENT THERAPY their progesterone, and have lost more than half of
their testosterone.
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW These fluctuating levels and hormone imbalances
can cause serious health issues in some cases, and
it’s for this reason that it is encouraged to get your
WHY MIGHT YOU NEED BIO-IDENTICAL HOR- hormone levels assessed sooner rather than later
MONE THERAPY? - don’t wait until symptoms are strong and affect
The hormones within your body control most of your daily life.
your body’s basic functions, and work as an
internal communication system between your HOW LONG BEFORE BIO-IDENTICAL
body’s cells. Everything from your daily mood, HORMONES START WORKING?
energy, digestion, appetite, immune system and You will see improvement within the first two to
libido is controlled by hormones, which is why three weeks of therapy, but it will take up to eight
when these hormones are out-of-sync or weeks to feel the full effect. An experienced medical
unbalanced, it can have a huge impact on your practitioner will try to achieve the best outcomes
physical and mental health and well-being. If you and results with the lowest possible dosage of
suffer with any of the following, BHRT could be a bio-identical hormones.
really great solution for you:
• Hot flushes There are many useful sources online that can
• Night sweats provide insightful information into bio-identical
• Vaginal dryness hormone therapy. It is definitely worth searching
• Loss of interest in sex for a local menopause clinic near you that can
• Pain during sex provide information and answers to your questions
• Problems sleeping too, but always ensure the clinic is CQC registered.
• Loss of energy
• Fatigue
• Loss of muscle mass
• Weight gain
• Foggy thinking
• Mood changes
• Memory loss
Bio-identical hormones are different from those
used in traditional HRT (Hormone Replacement
Therapy) as they are chemically identical to those
our bodies produce naturally. Bio-identical
hormones are made from plant estrogens, based
on a substance known as ‘Diosgenin’, whereas in
HRT, hormones are often created synthetically.
BHRT is effective in treating both men and
women when their hormone levels drop or Deborah Vines is a Registered General
become unbalanced. BHRT is most frequently Nurse, Independent Nurse Prescriber
used to ease the symptoms of perimenopause and the Medical Director of The
and menopause in women. Menopause Clinic based in Heywood.
She has been involved with Bio-identical
WHEN SHOULD YOU GET A HORMONE HEALTH Hormone Replacement Therapy for
CHECK? eight years and owns one of the longest
Recent research has shown that women are established Medical Aesthetics Clinics
in the North West.
experiencing perimenopause and menopause at
much earlier ages than is predicted. many times,