Page 35 - Real Rochdale Issue 22 Summer 2024
P. 35


         Hopwood Hall College and
         University Centre is the place
         to unlock your potential – and
         this journey could start as
         soon as September 2024.

         The award-winning college –
         which has campuses in
         Middleton and Rochdale –
         offers a wide range of courses
         for learners of all ages.

         Many people are just one
         qualification away from
         starting an exciting new
         career, securing a long
         overdue promotion or
         progressing to university.

         The process begins by              following multi-million-            It’s at Hopwood’s University
         attending the college’s            pound investments.                  Centre where all manner of
 Zen Internet named as one of the UK’s best workplaces  summer open event from   people aged 18+ are seizing
         10am-12pm on Wednesday
         21 August.                         School leavers can find out         the higher-level
                                            about the popular range of
                                                                                qualifications that are so
                                            apprenticeships and                 important for climbing the
 Zen Internet has earned recognition as one   maternity and adoption leave. The company   This is the ideal time to hear
 of the UK’s Best Workplaces by Great Place   continues to emphasise psychological safety   from expert tutors, explore   vocational programmes at   career ladder.
                                            the college, including
 to Work, a leading authority on workplace   at work.  the full range of courses,   T-Levels.  And for those who have
 culture.   access support such as                                              always dreamed of going to
 Zen’s commitment to its people is evident in   bespoke careers advice, and   These qualifications have a   university but don’t quite
 Rochdale-based Zen, the only Which?   its career development initiatives. In the last   check out the facilities   strong record for success   have the credentials, then
 Recommended Provider for Broadband,   21 months, 20 employees have transitioned   when it comes to helping   there’s Access to Higher
 emphasises its people-centric business,   to new roles, 47 have been promoted, and 14   young people progress onto   Education, which allow
 pioneering the belief that the happiness and   have benefited from secondment   employment, university or   people to get on their way to
 wellbeing of its people should come before   opportunities.  higher-level apprenticeships.  a degree for free.
 making money.
 Zen’s people and culture director, Ayshea   Meanwhile, adults can pick         The college is now accepting
 As a member of the B Corp community, Zen   Robertson. said: “We are thrilled to be Great   from a wide selection of   applications, with enrolment
 has committed legally to considering the   Place to Work-Certified™!  courses with various modes   beginning at the end of
 impact of its decisions on workers, customers,   of teaching.                  August.
 suppliers, community, and the environment.   “It means a lot that our people have reported
 Certified B Corporations represent a unique   a consistently positive experience with their   There are part-time courses   So no matter your age, skill
 business model that integrates purpose with   colleagues, their leaders, and their jobs.  taught in person, online and   level or professional
 profit.                                    on a flexible basis –               ambitions, your journey to an
 “This is important to us because we know that   allowing students to gain      exciting future can start as
 Over the past year, the Rochdale firm has   when our people have a high trust experience   skills in a way that works   soon as this summer.
 enhanced flexibility and refined its hybrid   every day, they are more productive, drive   best for them.
 work model, particularly focusing on   better business results and make a difference
 supporting employees returning from   to our customers.”    For more information on courses, applying and the
                                 upcoming open event, visit
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