Page 27 - Real Rochdale Issue 22 Summer 2024
P. 27

New children’s book raises funds for Ukraine

            A new children’s book by retired Rochdale head teacher
            Yvonne Weatherhead MBE has been published to help
            raise money for children affected by the Russian invasion of
 Rochdales’s   In a heartwarming tale of     for Ahata and her parents,

 business support   compassion and community,   thanks to the kindness of
                                             real-life Rochdale residents
            retired Rochdale
            headteacher Yvonne
                                             Lee and Angela Wardle.
 organisation  Weatherhead MBE unveils       Lee, reflecting on their
            her latest children’s book,
            “No Mission Impossible.”         experience, shares, “It was a
                                             privilege to welcome Ahata
 Whatever you need, we are here to help.  Inspired by true events, the   and her parents into our

            story follows the journey of     home... We thoroughly
            “Flying Grandma” as she          enjoyed showing them
 0161 359 3050 |  embarks on a mission to find   where we live and are now
                                                                                Yvonne Weatherhead with Bailey  a home in the UK for a   lifelong friends.”             Middleton, a pupil at St Luke’s who
            Ukrainian family seeking                                             played the Flying Grandma role
            safety from the Russian          The book highlights the
            invasion.                        selflessness of many British     joined in a heartwarming
 Innovation - Transforming your operations and sparking new ideas.  people who opened their   assembly led by Yvonne.
            The narrative centres            homes through the
            around a magical                 government’s Homes               Students also planted
            everlasting bluebell, through    for Ukraine Sponsorship          sunflower seeds and
 People - Creating a thriving environment for your people.  which seven-year-old Ahata   Scheme, with Ukrainian   bluebells in symbolic solidar-
            reaches out for help after       families finding refuge with     ity at Denehurst Park and
            fleeing Ukraine with her         host families.                   Queen’s Park.
 Funding - Helping you access the right finance and funding.  During a successful launch   The yellow colour of the
            After a long search, Flying      at St Luke’s CE Primary          national flower of Ukraine
            Grandma succeeds in              School, Heywood, schools         signifies friendship, while
            securing a loving home           from across the borough          the bluebells that feature

 Sustainability - Supporting your journey to net zero.                        in all the Flying Grandma
                                                                              books are a symbol of
                                                                              humility and everlasting

 Sales - Helping you sell more in the UK and overseas.
                                                                              Donations received from the
                                                                              book’s sales contribute to
                                                                              aiding children affected by
                                                                              the Ukrainian conflict, with
                                                                              over £1,400 raised to date.

                                                                              Books can be purchased
                                                                              online at:

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