Page 17 - Real Rochdale Issue 22 Summer 2024
P. 17

Lisa Stansfield honoured at first

                     ever Northern Music Awards

         Rochdale’s music legend Lisa
         Stansfield was honoured at
         the inaugural Northern Music
         Awards, named by the
         organisers as the “Brits of the

         Lisa, renowned for her
         chart-topping hits like “All
         Around the World” and
         “People Hold On” in the 1980s
         and 1990s, received the
         Northern Icon Award, which
         she described as a
         tremendous privilege.

         Hosted by BBC Radio 6
         Music’s Chris Hawkins, the         Order, and Thomas Turgoose.       Rochdale’s own Lisa, one of
         packed public awards show                                            the UK’s most prominent pop
         featured performances from         Organised by the UK’s largest     singers of the 1990s,
         Liam Fray (Courteeners), Lisa      music therapy charity, Nordoff  electrified the former
         Stansfield, The K’s, and           Robbins, the Northern Music       Wesleyan Chapel with a
         Antony Szmierek.                   Awards were held at               captivating performance
                                            Manchester’s iconic Albert        featuring hits like “The Real
         Notable guest presenters           Hall on Tuesday 23 April,         Thing,” “Change,” “Live
         from the region included Gary      celebrating northern artists,     Together,” and “All Around the
         Neville, Gillian Gilbert,          festivals, venues, and industry   World.”
         Stephen Norris from New            figures.
                                                                              She was presented with the
                                                                              Northern Icon Award by
                                                                              Mayor of Greater Manchester,
                                                                              Andy Burnham.

                                                                              Lisa remarked, “Music and
                                                                              singing are in my blood, as
                                                                              much as being a proud
                                                                              Mancunian. Therefore, to be
                                                                              recognised as the Northern
                                                                              Icon at the inaugural Northern
                                                                              Music Awards is an incredible

                                                                              She added, “I’m immensely
                                                                              proud to support Nordoff
                                                                              Robbins in raising funds for a
                                                                              new music therapy centre in
                                                                              Greater Manchester.”

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