Page 11 - Real Rochdale Issue 18 Summer 2023
P. 11

Why we love Rochdale: local companies join   Final summer exhibitions at Touchstones

 forces to promote borough  before 18 month closure

 Local businesses have joined
 together to outline why
 Rochdale is special to them
 in a new video released by
 the Rochdale Development

 The video, which celebrates
 RDA’s 30th anniversary,
 features testimonials from
 Mid Communications,    Kirsty Wilkinson from Northern Employment
 Northern Employment, H Bell   A still from Leviathan: From the Forest to the Sea     Untitled by Helene Appel
                                   by Shezad Dawood
 & Sons, Mysonpages, PDS,   RDA for a number of years   skills. But the key thing they do
 Creative Network, and    now. It was lovely to come   is bring people together in the    The final two exhibitions to   contemporary painter, Helene   venue, bringing new
 Dunsters Farm.  together with other businesses   business community in    take over the gallery space at   Appel.   opportunities, as well as
 to share how great a place   Rochdale.  Touchstones over the summer             providing the best cultural
 Iconic landmarks – such as    Rochdale is, both personally   have been revealed.  ‘Among Trees, Among Sand   experience to our
 Hollingworth Lake, the town   and for businesses.  “They’ve created a sense of    Grains’ showcases Helene’s   communities.”
 hall, and Kingsway Business   togetherness, starting with   Before the venue closes its   original methods of using
 Park – are interspersed   “There are so many   their excellent leadership   doors on 12 August for an   paints and different    Both exhibitions will end on
 throughout the promotional   opportunities in Rochdale   through the pandemic and how   18-month redevelopment,   techniques to give the object   Saturday 12 August, when
 video, as well as shots of the   now for businesses.”  they kept us all working and   Touchstones will be hosting   she creates a physical and   the building will temporarily
 town centre, Number One    talking.”  works from multi-disciplinary   three-dimensional presence.   close for redevelopment.
 Riverside and the public    David Brereton, managing   artist, Shezad Dawood, and
 transport links.   director of Mysonpages, which   He added: “What we all say in   Berlin-born artist, Helene    The exhibition will focus on   The Local Studies Centre
 is located in the same building   the video is true, and maybe it   Appel.  her aesthetic depiction of    closed in May, with the team
 Kirsty Wilkinson, of Northern   as Zen Internet, said: “The RDA   needs saying a little louder.”  ordinary objects from    moving the archives to a
 Employment, said working on   has helped us get to services   Taking over galleries one and   everyday life.  new location of Sparth
 the promotional video was   we wouldn’t have known about   The RDA was created to    two is ‘Leviathan: From the   Community Centre through-
 “a great experience” adding:   and linked us with other    support businesses moving to   Forest to the Sea’, premiering   Mark Doyle, Head of Arts,   out May and June, and the
 “We’ve worked closely with   businesses that could need our   the borough of Rochdale.
         the latest instalment in           Engagement and Heritage at           museum closed on 3 June.
         Dawood’s epic film series          Touchstones Rochdale, said:
         Leviathan Cycle.                   “We’re delighted to welcome
                                            two successful artists into our        Touchstones opening
         This is part of a series of        gallery spaces, both with              times:
         exhibitions across the North       differing backgrounds but              Tues, Thurs &  Sat: 10am
         West, brought together under       with the same prospect of              - 5pm
         the title of Hybrid Futures,       looking inwardly at how we             Weds 10am -9pm
         that will explore and address      perceive the world around us.
         the urgent focus of climate                                               Touchstones Rochdale,
         change.                            “Our two final exhibitions are         The Esplanade
                                            an excellent way to conclude           Rochdale, OL16 1AQ
         The second exhibition, which       this era of Touchstones                Tel: 01706 924492
         will take over galleries three     Rochdale - the redevelopment
 David Brereton from Mysonpages  and four, is led by    means a big step for our   Admission is FREE.

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