Page 6 - Real Rochdale Issue 21 Spring 2024
P. 6

Multi-million-pound revamp of

                               Rochdale Town Hall

          Rochdale Town Hall is one of the North West’s        Decades of grime has been removed,
          finest historic buildings. Built in 1871, the        unveiling hundreds of intricate red and gold                               Delicate work on painted surfaces                  Angel on the ceiling of the Great Hall
          iconic Grade I Listed building closed in 2020 to     designs, featuring imagery, including the
          allow for extensive restoration.                     English lions and Scottish thistle.                              On the first floor, a room which was previously      A former council meeting room on the ground
                                                                                                                                used as office space has had years of                floor has been transformed into a permanent
          The project, which was supported by a £8.9m          In the Exchange, the main entrance to the                        unsympathetic additions – including                  exhibition space, known as the Welcome
          grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund,       building, Minton floor tiles, which depict a                     partition walls and a mezzanine floor –              Gallery, which tells the story of Rochdale, its
          has restored many of the building’s historic         hanging fleece and other insignia of Rochdale,                   removed to reveal a double-height ceiling,           people and its past, through objects,
          features and created brand new community             have been repaired. The elaborate vaulted                        angels along the walls and a previously hidden       interactives and imagery.
          spaces in rooms which were previously out of         ceiling and sweeping staircase in granite and                    window with views directly down into
          bounds to the public.                                marble have been cleaned and restored.                           the Great Hall.                                      In addition to experts, over 500 volunteers
                                                                                                                                                                                     got on board with the project, with Rochdale
          Some of the most dramatic changes have taken         Stained glass windows, painted surfaces and                      This room, named the ‘Bright Hall’ after the late    residents from the ages of 15 to 82,
          place in the Great Hall, where specialists used      wood panelling and furniture throughout the                      Rochdale-born MP and social reformer, John           supporting with everything from historical
          a variety of equipment to painstakingly restore      building have also been brought back to their                    Bright, will be used by community groups and         research to cleaning and conservation.
          the 350 panels which cover the room’s ceiling.       former glory.                                                    for events.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photos above right, below
                                                  Staircase to the Great Hall                                                                                                The Great Hall                       and left: Gregory Couzens

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