Page 11 - Real Rochdale Issue 17 Spring 2023
P. 11

Best in region for Rochdale BNI  “You pass referrals in the

          hope that someone else will
          pass back to you. You can
          ask for specific contacts and
          being part of Rochdale BNI
          gives you the strength in
          business that you wouldn’t
          have had.

          “As soon as I joined, we had
          thousands of pounds of
          business passed to us, and it
          really helped with exposure.
          Being part of BNI has also
          enabled us to showcase
          other things we do that
          aren’t about profit, such as
          offering advice to people.

          “I’m really, really proud to be
          part of the group.”

          John Fitton, the group’s
          president and managing
          director at Office Supplies
          Now, said: “I’m proud to be
 Steve Worrall, Kerry Hargreaves, John Fitton, Mike Holman, Ian Madeley and Ian Cunningham  the President of BNI
          Rochdale, it’s been a
          fantastic success with
 The Rochdale chapter of Business Network International   £300,000 of invoiced

 has become the most successful group in its region.  business being passed
          between the members since
          we started.
 Rochdale BNI – part of a worldwide    Since its inception, over £280,000 of
 business referral organisation – was set up   business has been shared in the group,   “BNI gives us the tools to
 in April 2022 by five founding members:   which has members from different   monitor our success but first   region, of 20 chapters, but   business created is
 John Fitton, Ian Madeley, Ian Cunningham,   industries, such as IT support, estate agency,   and foremost we’re a group   more impressively, we are   exceptional.
 Steve Worrall and Kerry Hargreaves.  travel, dentistry, financial advice.  of local people helping each   10th of 470 chapters
          other be more successful.”        nationwide.                         “The fact that the group has
 Just a year after being set up, the group has   On the whole, Business Network   already surpassed 30
 quickly grown to a membership of over 30   International has around 288,000 members   Vice president Jack Lyons,   “We regularly welcome   members is a testament to the
 local businesses and is the most successful   in over 10,000 chapters worldwide.  of Mysonpages, added: “Our   visitors to network with the   passion and ambition of
 BNI group in its region and 10th in the   intention this year is to be a   members, learn more about   Rochdale businesses and I
 nation.  Kerry Hargreaves, from AST Hampsons   group sharing £1,000,000 of   BNI and how to join.”  wish the group continued
 and one of the founding members, says she   business between the               success.”
 On average, 92 referrals of business are   jumped at the chance to be a part of it.   members, and we are well on   Mike Holman, BNI’s Executive
 passed between the members each month.   track to do this.  Director said: “I am extremely   The Rochdale BNI meets on
 At the time of print, 134 referrals were   “I could see the benefit immediately. I could   proud to see what the group   Thursday mornings 7am at
 passed at the most recent meeting, and   recognise the value and wanted in. I love   “We are currently the    has achieved. The quality of   Rochdale AFC, Sandy Lane,
 £51,000 of invoiced business confirmed.  networking and enjoy meeting new people.”   number one chapter in the   the individuals and the   Rochdale, OL11 5DR.
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