Page 13 - Real Rochdale Issue 13 Spring 2022
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Roy Down is an engagement and development worker
at Petrus as well as the chairman of Rochdale In Bloom.
His role at Petrus is to help improve the mental health
and wellbeing of volunteers through gardening, as well
as those referred via NHS social prescribing.
Lift and divide perennials in Spring. This
will ensure you get healthy plants every
year. Roses can be pruned now and we
recommend pruning about half a
centimetre above the bud for best results.
At Petrus Incredible Edible Rochdale (PIER), we are always looking at ways to be eco-
friendly gardeners and this year, we are increasing our commitment to adapting to en-
If you fancy growing vegetables this year,
start by planting onion sets and shallots. vironmental change. If you want to do the same, there are some easy steps to take. Start
It’s also a good time to start chitting by using peat-free compost wherever possible. Plant more perennials and less annual
potatoes before planting. Chitting is a bedding plants. Look out for drought-resistant varieties, which will save on using water.
great way to prepare potatoes for Try home composting - be patient; it is worth persevering with. You can also install a
planting. Place potatoes in a tray (often water butt if you don’t have one already.
in egg cartons) in a light and cool place,
shielded from direct sunlight. After the Whatever the size of garden or growing space, enjoy spending time maintaining and
potato sprouts are about one inch (2.5 cm) nurturing your plants. It is a great way to get outdoors and there are so many health
long, the seed potatoes are planted in and wellbeing benefits as well. Good luck.
the ground.
Think about your pots. Plant some
summer flowering bulbs, making sure your
pots have good drainage and are topped
with fresh new compost. Growing herbs is
easy, and if you don’t have a lot of room in
your garden, plant herbs into a container
or tub. Sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano
look great, and you will have your own
fresh herbs on your doorstep.
As temperatures start to rise, and
hopefully the chance of frost has
diminished, it is a good time to plant
your hardy annuals and wildflower seeds.