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Joanne Timperley pens debut children’s book
             Spring clean

 After repeatedly discovering sunflower seeds missing from her pots,
 Joanne Timperley, a keen gardener from Wardle, has written her
 first children’s book.   your

 Entitled ‘Who Stole My   In a happy ending, the 8ft   medicine
 Seeds?’ the real-life   sunflower grows into the
 experience has been turned   tallest anyone has ever seen,
 into an exciting ‘whodunnit’   creating hundreds of sunflower   cupboard
 tale for children.  seeds for all the garden
 creatures to feast on – and
 Joanne said: “Every morning   produce a host of giant
 I came outside, and one pot   sunflowers the next year.  The top-to-bottom tidy up of the home once
 would be tipped over with   spring comes along remains an enduring part of
 seeds missing. I watched to   Avid sunflower grower Joanne   the British calendar.
 see who was taking the seeds   added: “I love the finished      ABOUT THE WRITER
                                                                 Dr Chauhan OBE is a respected GP, health and social
 and became aware of all these   product, which is designed to   But in amongst the decluttering and perhaps   care campaigner, and champion of social justice and
 creatures visiting my   share with young children as a   the painting and redecorating, how many of us   charity. As a local GP, he has become a powerful
                                                                 advocate for his patients and introduced innovative
 sunflowers. I ended up moving   bedtime read.  remember to spring clean our medicine cabinet.  methods to improve their care. His work mentoring
 my plants from my patio to a   ‘Who Stole My Seeds?’            and employing young people has won national
 table at the end of the garden.”  “They really get drawn into the   From my experience of home visits, almost every   recognition and he was awarded an OBE in 2020 for
                                                                 his creation of the Homeless-Friendly charity.
 drama of saving the last seed as   Mrs Greenfingers was puzzled   house has one, which is good news. But when
 Beautifully illustrated by the   the story unfolds and it grows   – who, or what, kept eating the   was the last time you checked to see what’s in it?  It may be tempting to give left over medication
 sunflower seeds when she wasn’t
 award-winning children’s   from a small seedling into an   looking? Come with her to find
 book illustrator Sarah-Leigh   8ft giant sunflower.”  out.   For accidents, your box should contain plasters,   to another family member, given long queues at
 Wills, ‘Who Stole My Seeds?’   antiseptics, bandages, sterile dressings and   some surgeries and, of course, having to watch
                                                              your loved one suffer. However, like buying
 recounts how the very last   Joanne will be signing copies   Was it the cheeky robin, or the   medical tape, to help create a temporary splint
 sunflower seed was saved   of  her book at the All-in-One   big blackbird? Maybe it was her   should you suffer a serious cut. I keep eyewash in   medicines online, using old pills and potions or
                                                              not following your doctor’s instructions on when
 from the attentions of   Garden Centre, Castleton, on   friend the squirrel, or the   there too to help shift dirt or foreign bodies from
 various hungry garden   Sunday 15 March.  hedgehog who visited her garden   the eyes.  and how to take your medicine is incredibly
 visitors, including a   each night. Or something else?       dangerous. It is truly like playing Russian
                                                              Roulette with your health, so don’t do it. Instead
 squirrel, hedgehog, blackbird   ‘Who Stole My Seeds?’ is   Pain relief such as aspirin, ibuprofen and
 and robin.  published by Pegasus Elliott   She sets out to solve the mystery   paracetamol help soothe the agony of cuts and   go to and search for ‘why do
                                                              medicines have expiry dates’ and learn how to
 – and to protect her last seed!
 Mackenzie Publishers.
         aches and pains. Antihistamine is always             dispose of unused prescribed medications safely.
         advisable, especially as we are approaching high
 Joanne’s top tips for growing sunflowers  season for pollen. Anti-diarrhoea and oral   For many of us, spring is a time of renewed
         rehydration salts are available at pharmacies.       optimism where we get outside and exercise

 “A spectacular summer sight, sunflowers really   The latter is an easy way to help restore your   (particularly if we have let those New Year’s
 do grow to over 8ft tall! Despite their size, they   body’s natural balance of minerals and fluid, and   Resolutions to slim down slip).
 are the easiest of plants to grow – as long as   aid your recovery.
 you protect them from garden visitors.                       Those with hay fever or otherwise prone to
         Speaking of pharmacies, they are a great place       pollen and dust allergies, may not share that

 Sunflowers have got to be the easiest and   to gain advice on what medications you need   enthusiasm but by following NHS advice, they
 most gratifying seed to plant. You literally just   to stockpile. These items could reduce pain, aid   should be able to manage their conditions and be
 fill a pot with soil, plant the seed, keep it well   recovery and in the case of a wound, prevent   active outdoors.
 watered and watch it grow. I repot them when   infection setting in. That’s how vital they are to
 they grow four leaves. The bigger the pot, the   have at hand.  The days are getting longer and the
 stronger the roots and the taller the flower. It             temperatures warmer, so let us put a spring in
 really is that simple!”  Conversely, spring is the time to rid your home   our step and with a few precautions, enjoy good
         of unused and out-of-date medications.               health this season.
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