Page 20 - Real Rochdale - Autumn 2018
P. 20

A great live music venue... but more than a live

                                                music venue...

                      the flying horse

             Kirsty Rigg talks to Ben Boothman...                 Other memorable moments have been heckling
                                                                  Paul Heaton from Beautiful South as he played a
             What date did you take over The Flyer?               gig, then doing shots with him after.

             I started work at The Flyer in 1997, however I have   Eating breakfast my wife cooked with Paul Di’anno
             been running around the corridors since 1989.        from Iron Maiden after he stayed over.

             We bought the business in April 2011.                Having a drink with Simon Friend from The
                                                                  Levellers after his intimate gig.
             Tell us about your memories of the early days.
                                                                  Getting caught playing the drums with a knife and
             My two fondest early memories are playing on the     fork by the drummer of the Irish Rovers after
             roof and going up and down in the dumb waiter as     thinking he had gone to bed.                                  We love live music, we love everything about it, we
             a child (my mum didn’t know about me playing on                                                                    probably have more live music on than most
             the roof... she does now).                           Throwing the drummer of an Oasis tribute band                 venues, but we are not a live music venue.
                                                                  out for being rowdy, then watching them try to gig
             Which was the first band to play at The Flyer?       with no drummer.                                              We try to keep things fresh, our little corner of
                                                                                                                                Rochdale, with The Empire, has a fantastic music
             While I have been around the pub it was a band       Who are the biggest and most memorable names                  offering now. When we both have big bands on it
             called ‘Beam’ back in 1998-ish.                      that have played The Flyer?                                   can drag hundreds of people into the centre.

             What are your memories of it?                        Paul Heaton - Beautiful South                                 What does the future hold for The Flying Horse?
                                                                  Dan Donnally – The Wonderstuff
             I was drinking JW Lees Greengate Smooth and          Simon Friend - Levellers                                      The pub trade is a turbulent and unpredictable
             they played some ‘Doors’ tracks so I loved them.     The Animals                                                   adventure which takes up so much energy; as
                                                                  Tom Hingley – Inspiral Carpets                                things stand we want much more of the same.
             What is your fondest memory or most
             memorable moment with The Flyer music nights/        What makes The Flyer stand out as a town cen-                 What do you love the most about Rochdale?
             events?                                              tre music venue?
                                                                                                                                The people, the architecture and the heritage. We
             There are a few.                                     I think the first mistake people make is that I don’t         gave the world the Co-op, the biggest pancake, the
                                                                  feel we are a music venue! We are a pub that has              longest tunnels, widest bridges, John Bright, The
             Singing with The Fallout (rock band) at Sarah and    live music on. I mean, I think we do it well and we           Courteeners, Lisa Stansfield, Gracie Fields, John
             my wedding reception, which was also at The Flyer.   have been doing it a long time and also had lots of           Milne, the resting place of Tim Bobbin, a 1,000 year
             In fact, my mum and dad, most of my family,          bands (1,600 or so) on but a music venue to me is             old church, the finest Town Hall in the world and,
             including brothers and sisters, have all been        something that specialises in live music, we don’t.           more than all that, some of the friendliest people
             married at The Flyer.                                                                                              you are likely to meet.

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