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Spring 2022Access all Areas open event at Hopwood

Exciting things are happening at Hopwood Hall College and University Centre – and now you can see for yourself at its upcoming ‘Access All Areas’ Open Event.

The college – which is making a huge investment to its buildings and facilities – will throw open its doors to the public from 4.30pm-7pm on Thursday 7 April.

Both school leavers and adult learners are welcome to attend and explore the countless career-boosting opportunities on offer. Year 11s will get their first real taste of college life as they learn about post-school options such as apprenticeships, BTECs and the revolutionary new T-levels.

Visitors who are aged 19+ will also have a wide selection of pathways to choose from, including part-time courses that take place face-to-face, online and on a flexible basis.

In addition, anyone who is considering a university-level course will be able to find out everything they need to know about studying at Hopwood’s University Centre.

It’s here where people can access life-changing Higher Education without the hassle or expense of moving away from home.

Those who want to go down this route but don’t have the qualifications required for this level of study can look forward to hearing about the popular routes in Access to Higher Education.

During the event attendees will be able to speak to the expert tutors, with years of experience in their respective fields, who will be teaching their course.

The ‘Access All Areas’ Open Event is registration only. Be sure to secure your place at: